Why are Vets So Busy?

Why are Vets So Busy?

The global COVID-19 outbreak has had a profound impact on all of us – including your veterinarian. COVID-19 has resulted in a massive increase in people taking on new pets With more people working from home, this has meant more opportunities for pet owners to notice...

Nail clipping- teaching your dog not to be ticklish

Dogs have more ticklish and sensitive feet than we do. Their feet have nerve endings that can detect the speed, direction and surface a dog is running over without them needing to watch exactly where they tread. Consider that, and now consider how many people dislike...


Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, we have had a number of clients concerned about their pets wellbeing. We would like to assure all our clients that currently, there is no evidence that cats or dogs can be a source of Coronavirus infection or can transmit the...

Keeping Your Pet Busy During the Coronavirus Isolation

With social isolation and home lockdown, a common question we get asked is, ‘Besides walks, how can I keep my pet entertained?’ Here are our top 10 suggestions! 1: Remove the food bowl Getting rid of the food bowl is the most important thing you can do for your pet!...
A little bit thirsty?

A little bit thirsty?

Is your pet a bit thirstier than usual? Are you filling up their water bowl more often, or have you noticed them drinking from the shower or toilet? An increase in thirst can be one of the first signs of kidney disease and if you are worried you should arrange a check...
Understanding blood and urine tests

Understanding blood and urine tests

Blood and urine tests are an essential part of good veterinary medicine and can be critical when diagnosing and managing diseases. Blood tests  Blood tests can give us a wealth of information about the health of your pet. They provide an insight into the health of...